best quality support for residents.
To do this, Cotton says: “We continue to surround
ourselves with the best people, having a highly-
skilled workforce, which will allow us the op-
portunity to provide high quality service as well.”
This resident-centric focus aligns with growing
trends in the field to take into consideration qual-
ity, transparency and accountability. An extra ef-
fort has been on accountability. “Providers need
to be accountable to the services they provide
within the organization,” says Cotton.
Ensuring quality, transparency, and accountabil-
ity have helped Adelaide Place to maintain the
integrity of its services. The key to these goals
is effective communication. “In order to get to
know the residents, you have to be able to com-
municate with them, right from the time they en-
ter our facility for their first tour. We ask them
very general questions and get to know them on
a personal level. Once they’re a resident, we will
look through a very focused admission pack-
age attaining information related to health, their
personal history, their likes and dislikes,” says
Cotton. A care package is then built around that
APRIL 2013
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