a Masters of Mechanical En-
gineering specializing in the
power plant industry. After
gaining relevant work expe-
rience developing high-pres-
sure chemical machines and
working as a product devel-
opment manager - Mark took
a leap into entrepreneurship
and founded Promation Engi-
The firm has thrived under the
mission of “delivering cost-ef-
fective products and services
while maintaining the highest
standards of engineering ex-
cellence”. In 2005, Zimny saw
a niche open and expanded
the company into the nuclear
industry by creating a nuclear
division. The company flour-
ished due to this diversifica-
tion, a success Zimny attri-
butes partly to “becoming an
extension of the customer”.
“Our main core business is to
supply equipment to manufac-
turers and energy producers,”
Zimny says. Promation works
directly with nuclear power
plants and has undertaken
several projects for them. The
firm also works with suppli-
ers on quality assurance pro-
grams, supports them in the
manufacturing process, as
well as provides project man-
agement expertise. Promation
also collaborates with second
tier suppliers to nuclear power
plants, creating alliances and
providing tools to large com-
panies that do not have tool
capabilities. “Our strategy is
to work directly with power
plants and second tier suppli-
ers,” notes Zimny.
It is rare to see companies suc-
ceed and excel without build-
ing strong partnerships and
alliances, a concept that Pro-
business elite canada