business elite canada
“We try to select the best ar-
chitects to create design ex-
cellence for every one of our
projects and generally we
also give back to the city in
elements of public space, link-
ages to parks, road improve-
ment. Section 37 benefits,
development charges, [and]
infrastructure money to sew-
ers and water.”
“Ultimately our goal [is] to
provide as much as we can
in benefits… to the city in-
cluding socially-minded ap-
proaches to housing and com-
munity building. We love the
city and everybody wants to
do a good job.” He added,
“We want to raise the bar on
design in architecture and
provide the best quality de-
velopments that we can. We’d
like to engage the community
and all the stakeholders going
forward on all our projects.
[Our goal is that], at the end
of the day, everyone is very
proud of what’s being built in
their community.”
Diamond Corp. is committed
to progressive city building
and providing quality and in-
novation in all their endeavors.
With forward-thinking vision-
aries such as Bob Blazevski
leading the way, the future
looks safe for development in
Toronto and Canada at large.