business elite canada
Formed by a merger of two
companies in 1999 -- An-
drew Hidi & Associates and
EA Rae -- Hidi Rae Consult-
ing Engineers Inc. stands as
one of the most influential
consulting engineering firms
in Toronto and provides full
service mechanical, electrical,
communications, security and
commissioning consultancy.
As well, they work on energy
and commissioning projects
along with a specialty Tenan-
cy group that handles end-us-
er design needs. This multina-
tional business is committed
to developing holistic designs
that are viable for its clien-
tele’s long term success and,
so, places a strong emphasis
on sustainable practices.
According to John Ferguson,
Managing Principal (Toronto),
the company has seen some
changes since he joined the
team in 1998 with the addition
of a communications division,
commissioning department
and security division, allow-
ing the company to broaden
its vision in the field of build
and design. Ferguson holds a