EJM Group - page 3

APRIL 2014
business elite canada
struction management firm upon completing a
degree in the field. After 15 years in the indus-
try, EJM has expanded its service-base to in-
clude new construction projects, upgrades and
heritage restorations, and in 2003, when the
economy in Vancouver started booming, the
company grew its residential, custom home,
and multi-family side. Today, EJM has complet-
ed over $140 million in construction projects,
and have branched off into more institution-
al, government, municipal and public facility
work, along with retaining its core residential
and construction management aspect.
The firm embarked on its most prominent
project in 2000, when it had the opportunity
to work with ELIM Housing Society - the cre-
ation of a 22-acre aging-in-place campus of
care for seniors. In the 12 years that EJM Con-
structed ELIM, it built independent living, as-
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