Signature Homes - page 5

APRIL 2014
business elite canada
ewan had a project with the National Research
Council for building energy efficient homes,
and we built one of the first super energy ef-
ficient homes in Winnipeg,” says Diamond. “A
lot of the techniques that were developed –
the super sealing and high insulation values
– were passed onto our regular housing and
is still being implemented. The rest of Canada
has caught up with that now.” The company’s
Custom Crafted Series and Tiffany Series
personify their super energy efficiency with its
thermal crafted mark, and utilize some of the
best windows and technology in the world.
The company has in the past built over 70
homes in Manitoba that focused on super en-
ergy efficiency.
“Winnipeg’s housing sector has done really
well recently. Last year there were 1,500 sin-
gle family detached homes, and about 900 at-
tached homes. The Manitoba Government has
been instrumental in bringing in immigrants
from selected areas in a sponsorship program.
This has helped to fuel housing which has ris-
en since then,” comments Diamond. “The pro-
cess of mortgaging and qualifying people
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