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my place further strain on space – especially
for unique programs and partnerships run by
the University’s Research Centres and studios
that specialize in fields such as health design,
Stereoscopic 3D, social and interactive media,
wearables and interactive products.
“We need a physical space that inspires and
promotes the big ideas people have at Emily
Carr, and we must enhance our infrastructure
as they create what’s next for our world,” says
Bosma. The school provides platforms by which
specialists in visual arts, design and media arts
can connect their practices to non-profits, en-
trepreneurs and industry alike, using research
and scholarship opportunities to materialize
creative potential. Undergraduate and gradu-
ate students gain essential real world experi-
ences through such valuable collaborations.
In January 2013, Premier Christy Clark made
an announcement that the Government of Brit-
ish Columbia would invest $113 million to the
project–-the largest single cultural investment
that the province of British Columbia has ever
made. However, the remaining $21 million for
Aaron Hilton wears a Somnus virtual reality headset. (Alonso Benavente)