JULY 2014
business elite canada
been focused on making such plants more reli-
able, using innovative products and expertise
focused on extending the operating life of the
customers’ production assets Employee own-
ership at Lakeside promotes a spirit of true en-
trepreneurship in the company and personal
pride in the quality of service provided to its
customers. This has been a significant contrib-
utor to Lakeside’s distinct culture of excellence.
The Mississauga-based Lakeside has also been
recognized as one of Canada’s Best Managed
Companies by Deloitte since 2002 and attained
platinum membership in 2008.
“The ‘Best Managed’ competition recognizes
business success and strategy, while our new
corporate culture award recognizes the impact
of culture on business success. Our success in
the past 20 years has come from both of these
factors – a strong strategy and culture,” said
Greg Houston, President of Lakeside. Being
employee owned and operated means that
almost all of the more than 200 employees at
Lakeside have a stake in the business and act as
owners, taking more pride and influence in the
company’s work and future direction.
The company has enjoyed consistent growth
since it started more than 60 years ago. It be-
gan with only a handful of employees. Houston
CBRE Limited would
like to congratulate
Lakeside on their new
Head Office facility!
Proud to be your partner!
offices in 62 countries; we hold a leadership position in
virtually every key business centre around the world.
With total transactionvalueexceeding$220Billion(US)
in 2013, CBRE is traded on NYSE:CBG
For further information, please contact:
John. S. Planeta
Senior Vice President
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