business elite canada
the building.
The anchor system consists of a sling-steel,
with some resistance, which is attached by a
tutor and installed in the reinforcing steel and
cast in concrete. The system is so efficient and
well recommended that even Santco’s compet-
itors are using this type of anchorage system.
“Throughout decades of being present all
of the time on job sites, we noticed that the
primary problem with the security was that
people do not have an efficient way of tying
themselves so that they don’t fall off the high-
er floors of the building. So we came up with
a very simple, but effective system to ensure
the safety of our employees. Our team here in
Montreal is very happy with it,” said Lino San-
toriello, the oldest of the six brothers and Pres-
ident of the company. Santoriello started in the
business taking a trade in carpentry work. He
soon after started working for his father upon
finishing a college civil engineering program.
The Santco name is an abbreviated version
of the first part of the family surname. There is