business elite canada
for civil engineering to work by gaining expe-
rience in the construction of buildings, from
microwave power-lines in Northern Ontario to
skyline-altering buildings in Toronto, and those
that shape the ultra-modern cityscapes of Sau-
di Arabia. Prior to joining Waterfront Toronto
in April 2003 as CEO, he worked as a senior
executive at Brookfield Properties, formerly
Brookfield Capital Partners (BCP) heading its
Canadian property management services sub-
sidiary and played a leadership role in the de-
velopment of BCE place the company’s most
prestigious property.
Waterfront Toronto, is already starting to pay
for itself. Seed capital of $1.5-billion jointly in-
vested by all three levels of government for the
massive waterfront project has already yielded
$2.6-billion in private sector investment. Wa-
terfront Toronto’s $1.5-billion investment has
and will generate $622-million in tax revenue
according to an Economic Impact Analysis re-
port for 2001-2013 issued last summer. The re-
port is based upon research findings that look
at jobs created, impact to the economy, and
the tax revenues generated from the project.
“We think that’s a pretty thrilling endorse-
ment of government’s investment of infra-
structure in seeing the payback very quickly.
And on top of that, the focus on the waterfront
has impacted many of the projects around our
Sugar Beach