Saskatoon Light & Power - page 7

in Saskatoon, and create economic prosperity
for the city.
The City of Saskatoon is undertaking the con-
struction of a Green Energy Park adjacent to
the Landfill Gas to Energy Facility. The goal of
the Green Energy Park is to showcase the city’s
alternative energy projects as well as to pro-
mote energy conservation and sustainable en-
ergy solutions. “It’s proven technology,” Hud-
son said. “We do a lot of school tours at our
facility. We always show it as one of the things
Saskatoon is doing to reduce our footprint.”
The City of Saskatoon is proud of its alterna-
tive energy projects and is working hard to pro-
mote awareness and in still knowledge.
Saskatoon Light & Power sells about 1,100 giga-
watt hours (GWh) of electricity annually. About
half of that power comes from coal, a non-
renewable fossil fuel. The City of Saskatoon is
working hard to alleviate its dependency on
fossil fuels and these new projects can change
the way the city powers their community. As it
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