ASI - page 7

business elite canada
feat and allowed for potential
cost savings for the nuclear
industry when it comes to re-
pairs and inspections,” says
Just recently the company was
awarded a project with the
Munsee Delaware First Na-
tions Community. The proj-
ect included the design and
construction of a small com-
munal drinking water project,
and was a part of the Canada-
Ontario First Nations Drinking
Water Improvement Initiative.
With the support of Provin-
cial and Federal funding, the
project was a pilot to explore
private design build project
delivery, requiring innovative
thought in order to make it fi-
nancially viable, and ASI was
elated to take on that chal-
lenge. “We pride ourselves in
being innovative and practi-
cal to provide the full design-
build, operate, holistic service
for water and wastewater, and
this was one of the first ones
that came out in Ontario that
allowed us to do that. It really
allowed us to shine with what
we can bring to the table, so
by getting that proved that
there is still an opportunity
for innovative thought left in
projects. It’s one we’re quite
proud of.”
The company is providing a
brand new plant, new infra-
structure and will also pro-
vide oversight operations of
the facility for three years.
ASI bestows recognition on
to their many partnerships
who aid in their project ac-
complishments, such as Ad-
edge, a company out of Geor-
gia, who provided the turnkey
package and membrane water
treatment system used. “We
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