business elite canada
A big chunk of the 1,050 stalls
were service providers who
showcased how they have im-
pacted industry leaders for
the better, such as manufac-
turers of materials, consul-
tants to electrical, mechanical
and architectural designs as
well as retailers.
As well as the big players in
the field who have extensive
experience and have been in
attendance for years, there
were keen students from local
colleges who hovered the fair
cautiously observing. Sen-
eca and George Brown Col-
lege has promoted continuing
educational programs for the
construction industry and the
fair was the per fect outlook
to provide the next generation
prospectors with the skills
needed to adapt. Construct
Canada provides an avenue
for employers to discuss the
industry and offer advice to
potential employees looking
to make connections within
the industry.
Whether promoting your com-
pany or product, networking
and meeting your next cli-
ent or simply gathering under
one roof to share the season’s
greetings with your exist-
ing clients, Construct Canada
was refreshing, fun and edu-
cational. It’s always a thrill
to see various staff members
and management alike shar-
ing some of their greatest
stories with those looking to
learn more. Present during the
show were international com-
panies who were researching
the market in Canada for fu-
ture prospectors and looking
to get involved in Canada’s
vast development opportuni-
New this year was the an-
nouncing of the launch of
Construct International by In-
forma Canada, an internation-
al construction trade show
and conference program,
which will be held in conjunc-
tion with the other shows and
provide a platform to explore
business opportunities in
2014. The silver anniversary
of Construct Canada ended in
great success, leaving spec-
tators and annual attendees
wondering what next year’s
show will have to offer.