AMEC - page 7

JULY 2014
business elite canada
“We have a dynamic communications pro-
gram, to ensure that all the industry constantly
keeps in touch with AMEC,” remarked Morin,
“that’s something we are doing actively.”
AMEC stands by the quality of their machin-
ing, which AMEC boasts is graded at 99 per
cent quality delivery.
“We want to make sure when you think about
AMEC, you think about ‘I won’t have any prob-
lems,’” said Morin. “If I have a problem, they’ll
see it right in the drawing before machining,
they will advise me and we will do the correc-
“When the part comes here, it will be perfect.
That’s one of our strengths, you don’t have any
problems and it has value in terms of money
and time. That is our identity right now.”
With their close strategic location, within
earshot of potential clients in Montreal, AMEC
Usinage is in a position to provide more servic-
es to a growing aerospace industry in the city
and throughout the province. Morin is excited
to see what is in store.
“Right now, AMEC is improving at such a high
rate that we are feeling here like we are sitting
in a volcano, that we’re about to erupt,” said
Morin. “Keep in touch with us; you might hear
from us in the next year, we are just about to
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