business elite canada
The group has a strong reputation built on
years of experience and knowledge, and a sol-
id client base throughout eastern Canada and
the northeastern United States. PTVD repre-
sents the consulting end of the business, pro-
viding a range of services that includes quality
control services relating to design assistance,
onsite testing, and commissioning, as well as
the investigation of building envelope failures
on existing buildings. Their role as building en-
velope consultants is a crucial one: to guide
and advise their clients on the importance of
quality and durability in the design of their
building’s outer shell, and how that structure
can be impacted by critical elements. Air-Ins
takes the science to the next level by having
the group’s independent testing laboratory
specialize in the performance evaluation of the
building envelope’s components. By conduct-
ing prototype tests, the lab can gauge whether
the components meet performance levels set
by the project specifications. Airtightness, wa-
tertightness and structural performance are
all key testing areas, along with thermal per-
formance and resistance to condensation. Es-
sentially, CLEB can be involved in the process
from start to finish.
“During construction we’re there for qual-
ity control; to make sure it’s built right,” Gon-