business elite canada
“You need to keep looking forward and moving sideways. You need to be diversified
so you are not pigeonholed into one industry group, especially within Alberta.”
Dance Academy, and more. The company
also purchased a bus that can be used
for free by community groups such as lo-
cal sports teams, church groups, clubs,
or dance groups. “It did not make sense
where you had 20 families on a team and
there are 20 vehicles going in one direc-
tion,” said Casorso. “It is something that
has been utilized very well.”
They are also part of First Nations joint ven-
tures and contribute to powwow celebra-
tions with 10 percent of Oil Boss Rentals’
gross sales going to the joint ventures. The
proceeds are divvied out to the commu-
nity’s hospitals, libraries, and other non-
profit organizations.
Casorso said he is open to as much growth
as possible. “I think the opportunities are
endless, especially in our (joint venture)
partnerships, and it is just a matter of be-
ing patient and being prepared because
opportunities really start coming to a qual-
ity company.”
For more information, visit oilbossrentals.