business elite canada
duction planners work with the company’s
logistics, supply chain and human resourc-
es departments to ensure everything goes
as anticipated.
There’s no question that this innovative
type of construction requires a certain level
of expertise. TekkHaus controls the entire
design process, allowing them to check
and validate all of the structure’s elements
before manufacturing begins. “You have to
be very good technically,” Miville-Dechene
explained. The amount of export the com-
pany is involved in also means adapting to
the requirements of the individual country.
From typhoons and hurricanes to termites
andmassive snow loads, each designmust
recognize the area’s unique environmental
conditions and its potential hazards.
“Eight years ago, there was a winter with
a huge amount of snowfall and some
homes’ roofs were starting to collapse
and many people were wondering, ‘Is my
roof strong enough?’ When we do the
whole design, we will do the live load, the
snow load, calculate the trusses and the
transfers to the walls, to the posts to the
beams, and to the foundation, we calcu-
late everything to ensure complete solid-