IPAC Services - page 7

JAN/FEB 2015
business elite canada
go basically from zero to 300 people or if you
get into a maintenance turnaround situation,
you’ve got two weeks where you have to pro-
vide 150, 200 people,” Ward said.
In industries such as construction, it’s not un-
common to go through layoffs after a contract
is completed. But because IPAC offers so many
different services under one roof, they’re able
to reassign employees to other jobs when
there’s a lag or a break between projects. Of-
fering positions in maintenance or other regu-
lar work has allowed the company to maintain
a larger employee roster, which helps to stave
off future staffing challenges.
A special benefit program is part of IPAC’s com-
mitment to safety, rewarding employees with
a credit for each safe hour worked that can be
redeemed through the company’s partnership
with Air Miles. Everyone working under one of
the service lines is managed under IPAC’s cor-
porate governance, which maintains continuity
in areas such as pay structure and safety pro-
It became evident after a year
that if you’re going to succeed
in business, you have to grow it
and have to provide opportuni-
ties for key players.
Ron Ward, President & Chief
Executive Officer
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