Matrix Labour Leasing - page 4

an opportunity to comment on particular
job postings. The ultimate goal: to simply
make it easier for workers to find jobs in
cities like Calgary, Edmonton and Fort Mc-
“It is the future,”Warren said. “This will be
the de facto in blue collar placement.” He
believes that the current economic condi-
tions are perfect for the growth and utiliza-
tion of the portal.
“Right now, especially with the downturn
in the market, it’s perfect timing. It’s hard
to build something like this when everyone
is working in a booming economy. For us,
I feel like the timing’s right. The economy
is dragging a bit and it probably will for the
next year or so.”
Several jobs have already been filled
through the site and the user base is dou-
bling every few months. By early fall, Ma-
trix Connect is expected to be fully opera-
tional as a Software as a service (SaaS),
Warren said, making it easier to connect
employers and employees in the construc-
tion and general labour sectors. The site
will be responsive, making it easy to apply
for jobs or post openings from any location
business elite canada
MAR/APR 2015
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