By Cheryl Long
hat does the future of health care look
like? In Jason Pincock’s world, it’s a
place where labs and physicians work togeth-
er to diagnose conditions and put patients on
a road to wellness. It would also see patients
take greater ownership of managing their
chronic conditions and overall health rather
than waiting for the doctor to sound the alarm.
The demands on Canada’s health-care sys-
tem are expected to rise substantially as the
baby boomer generation ages. In fact, Statis-
tics Canada reported recently that for the first
time, the country has more people age 65 and
older than there are residents under age 15.
Not only does that shift reduce the number
of working people contributing to the coun-
try’s economy, but it puts increased pressure
on health-care resources as the aging process
naturally contributes to a rise in chronic condi-
Getting Canadians involved in their health care
and encouraging them to not only take control
of managing existing conditions but to also
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