Mountain View Seniors' Housing - page 6

we’re trying to fill a portion of that demand
with our 40 spaces, we expect transfers
will be sent to us very quickly,” he said.
Demand for similar housing options is ex-
pected to continue over the next 20-plus
years as the wave of aging baby boom-
ers reaches its peak. “The rule is to not
overbuild.We don’t want vacancies but we
have quite a bit of demand yet to satisfy.”
MVSH is a Housing Management Body
(HMB) established under the Alberta
Housing Act in 1960. The not-for-profit or-
ganization covers the rural municipality of
Mountain View County, located north of
Calgary, and provides housing to residents
at rates based on the cost of operation.
There are six member municipalities for
MVSH as a HMB, including the towns of
Carstairs, Didsbury, Olds and Sundre, as
well as Mountain View County and the Vil-
lage of Cremona. Capital grants were ap-
plied for and provided by the federal and
provincial governments in the amount of
$12 million. The balance of the capital was
financed through Mountain View Credit
Union and Mountain View County.
Under the Alberta HMB model, member
municipalities wrote letters of support to
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