coming through Vaudreuil-Soulanges each
year via roadways is more than $40 billion.
Additionally, both Canadian rail companies,
CP and CN, pass directly through the re-
gion, making it “a gateway to all markets in
Canada and the eastern United States”and
providing access to 135 million customers,
nearly 25 percent of the North American
population, who are accessible within 559
miles of land.
The mandate of the CLD Vaudreuil-Sou-
langes focuses on local development, en-
trepreneurship and support for investment
through six key areas: logistics, agrifood,
tourism, IT and clean technology. Logisti-
cally, the region’s strategic geographic lo-
cation has been recognized as a prime site
for industrial projects where access to cus-
tomers and suppliers is an important issue.
Notably, big blue chip businesses such as
Norampac (since 1976), Kraft Canada, Ca-
nadian Tire and Ericsson in 2014 have ac-
knowledged the development potential in
“We don’twant to attract just any andall types of industry…we have aplan toharmonize
the use of our land with the businesses we facilitate.”
business elite canada