Canadian Association of Movers - page 4

business elite canada
a member of this national association can
help consumers avoid the pitfalls associ-
ated with “rogue movers”.
“You can go with somebody who doesn’t
have the insurances in place, but once
they load your goods and you have no re-
cord of them or no indication that he has
a business license, the company can dis-
appear with your furniture,” Leader said.
“If he doesn’t have the correct insurances
in place, what if the truck burns down? If
you haven’t bought any replacement value
protection, as we call it, how do you get
compensation for your goods that were on
the truck?”
Educating consumers is one of CAM’s
mandates. Their website has a section
dedicated to people searching for a moving
company, offering tips on getting a proper
estimate, the basic principles of finding
and hiring a mover, packing suggestions,
how to register a complaint against a mov-
ing company, and more. They also operate
a directory of member companies that can
be searched by location.
CAM President & CEO
Paul Leader
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