business elite canada
APRIL 2016
of years the amount of downloading that’s
taken place from the province back to the
individual municipalities, it’s really bur-
dened their ability to try to stay current to
what’s required to maintain infrastructure,
sewer, water, roads, bridges … and what
we’re seeing play out now … it’s reflective
in the road conditions and the aging infra-
structure … now we’re trying to catch up,”
Phibbs said.
During the fall election campaigns, the Lib-
eral party pledged an additional $60 billion
towards infrastructure expenditure over a
period of 10 years.
“We all sit anxiously awaiting what that
“Without local market growth, without population growth, without commercial
tax base growth, it’s made it increasingly difficult on the municipalities to fund
to the level things need to be funded. So as a consequence to that, we have had to
go further west.”