JUNE 2016
business elite canada
as the Joint Venture Business of the Year
for outstanding achievement.
“This business award — it’s something
that we’re proud of. It’s also something of
a first step in creating more opportunities
for our community and creating more rev-
enue and wealth, so that we can improve
the quality of life for our community mem-
bers,” Chief Sam said.
“The fundamental part in terms of mov-
ing forward is that you have to have your
finances in order and we’re very proud of
our current financial status. We’ve been
very diligent and we’re happy where we
are financially,” Chief Sam said.
Although some funding is available through
Indigenous and Northern Affairs, self-suf-
ficiency is the mandate of the LNIB — a
goal that is accomplished by actively seek-
ing economic development opportunities.
This subsequently creates employment
for community members and generates
revenue, which is then used to finance ini-
tiatives that elevate the standard of living
and improve the lives of LNIB members
living both on and off the reserve. Pres-
ently, the LNIB is involved in infrastructure
projects worth millions of dollars, like the
expansion of the LNIB School ($1.8 million)