More work will also help the construction
industry regain a strong footing and end
the slowdown.
“We are beginning a process of convening
discussion in the industry to talk about the
future and understanding where the Sas-
katchewan economy is going to be in 25
years and how we as an industry can be
ready for that,” Cooper said.
These talks of the future entail a series of
initiatives, and technology is a dominant
topic. The SCA is working tirelessly to
promote innovation in the use of technol-
ogy, which is important for companies; it
helps them deliver their services with the
highest degree of efficiency — a requisite
needed to survive through and beyond the
downturn. Staying competitive means bal-
ancing costs, ensuring quality, competent
use of technology, more proficient use of
staff, training staff, and better project plan-
ning and scheduling; the SCA helps its
members reach and achieve these initia-
Presently, the SCA is devoting a lot of time
to promoting investment opportunities in
Saskatchewan. These efforts help combat
the effects of the slowdown while resolv-
ing other challenges of the industry such
as finding and retaining skilled labour.
“Saskatchewan is still a marketplace that
doesn’t have enough people for all of the
work we have and that creates challeng-
es in terms of not just finding people, but
finding people with skills, training those
people and keeping them. That’s an ongo-
ing challenge for our industry even now
with the economy being a little softer than
it was,” Cooper said.
JUNE 2016
business elite canada