Kelin Emtech - page 4

“What is your mission and what is critical
for your business to live? If you lose your
factory, will it affect your bottom line at the
end of the year? If it affects your bottom
line or revenue sheet, you won’t like it,”
Chartier suggested.
Kelvin Emtech works with close to 200
companies that rely on the organization’s
specialized expertise in consulting engi-
neering, IT operations, data centre de-
sign and electromechanical infrastructure.
Among those clients are some of the larg-
est businesses in Canada — names like
TELUS, Rogers, Bell Canada, Videotron,
IBM, CBC, Cogeco, TVA, and more. It’s
quite a portfolio for a company founded in
1994 by two young engineers whose first
client was Bell Canada. Chartier and Eric
Stephenne launched the company from
a room in Stephenne’s house in Montre-
al, and then added a third partner, Pierre
Robillard, in 1997 when they realized that
they needed a senior engineer to help
the company move to the next level. That
year, they moved into a larger location and
stayed until 2004 when they relocated to
the 10,000-square-foot facility that is cur-
“We’re a really small shop with huge customers and returning customers.”
Michel Chartier, President
business elite canada
MARCH 2016
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