By Cheryl Long
hen many Canadians hear
the name Dryden, they im-
mediately think of hockey.
But the Dryden family has another leg-
acy to add to their name — providing
the essential items that underprivileged
children around the world need to get a
good night’s sleep and start the day on
a positive note.
Business Elite Canada spoke recently
with Dave Dryden, who, like his brother
Ken, played as a goalie in the NHL. Mur-
ray and Margaret Dryden, parents of
Dave and Ken, founded Sleeping Chil-
dren Around the World (SCAW) in 1970
and today the charitable organization is
dedicated to transforming the lives of
children by distributing bedkits in coun-
tries like India, Uganda, Honduras, Ban-
gladesh, and many more. Dave Dryden
serves as the chair of SCAW’s board.
“It started with my dad and my moth-
er in 1970. Dad decided to make a trip
overseas. He had just retired from the
building supply business and he liked
to travel. He spent some time in India
and Pakistan,” Dryden said. “He had
an experience of being out at night and
tripping on something in the dark street
and it turned out it was a child he tripped
on. He came back home very upset
about it because he had always said to
my brother and sister and I that a good
night’s sleep was so very important.”
Murray Dryden returned to India and
purchased the materials for his first
MARCH 2016
business elite canada