ways too. “One of our philosophies is to
give back to the communities we serve,”
van der Stege said. This includes econom-
ic development, educational programs and
sporting events. Every year, the company
selects initiatives worthy of recognition, fi-
nancial help or sponsorship.
First Air is one of the largest private em-
ployers in Northern Canada. In addition
to jobs, internships are offered to supply
firsthand work experience in the industry.
“We’re very proud to have a large number
of Inuit employees as well as employees
who are permanently based in the North.
We think that is a great way to create jobs
and contribute to the local economy,” Fri-
esen noted.
About 450 out of the nearly 1,000 First Air
employees contribute in such a way, by
living and spending money in the North.
Being an airline, First Air brings in much
needed investment opportunities and en-
trepreneurs who are willing to invest and
do business in the North. The airline, of
“We truly believe that education is key in the development of Northern Canada,
so that’s an area close to our heart.” Dr. Brock Friesen, CEO
APRIL 2016
business elite canada