Inflamax Research - page 6

sequence of which is erratic pollination. So
the natural environment itself can’t serve
as a controlled setting for allergy experi-
EECs allow researchers to introduce se-
lect allergens, like dust, to patients in a
controlled, safe and naturalistic fashion.
Patients are observed in these chambers
prior to starting a drug trial in order to
gauge the severity of symptoms. A treat-
ment plan is then introduced, followed by
a re-examination, during which time data
can be collected on the efficacy of a medi-
Some may say that treatment already ex-
ists for allergy patients, conveniently sit-
ting on the shelves of pharmacies, but
Dr. Salapatek described traditional allergy
treatments, like antihistamines, as band-
aid solutions. Her research focus lies with
unveiling the underlying mechanisms of al-
“The World Health Organization has indicated that allergy is increasing in
epidemic proportions. We really have to understand the mechanisms behind this
if we’re going to understand how to avoid it or minimize it.”
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