said, and he has been reaping the benefits
ever since.
The current challenges consist of all the
difficulties that accompany any growing
business. Going from a small to big com-
pany and proving the company’s ever-ex-
panding capabilities to the client, that is
the obstacle Pruden is presently facing.
With its revenue in the millions, Wapose
already sits amongst the top 10 per cent
of Canadian companies in this sector, but
the last couple of years have been taxing
due to the slow economy. Pruden, how-
ever, expects things to pick back up in the
coming year, bringing some more growth
for his company.
The logistics of managing a company are
only one source of challenges in the EMS
business. The job exposes first responders
and other medical professionals to stress-
ful situations on a daily basis. Working for
industrial clients, Wapose staff at least
aren’t exposed to particularly sensitive pa-
tients like children, but dealing with death
and grieving families are an unavoidable
part of the job.
“I just noticed that there weren’t any medical providers in our area. All of them
were coming up from Calgary and Edmonton or out of province.”
business elite canada