Primco Dene Group of Companies - page 5

member is the chance to actively improve
the lives of people he already understands.
The legacy of Primco Dene lies with the
employment opportunities it provides to
its people. The group of companies is the
proud employer of 900 workers, which in-
cludes 700 Aboriginal workers from 100
different communities across Alberta, Sas-
katchewan and British Columbia. Black-
man points to this employment regime as
Primco Dene’s claim to fame.
“One of the things that keeps us so struc-
turally sound is the fact that we have a
social licence within our communities be-
cause we employ so many members our-
selves as well as a social licence from our
leadership because they know that we are
constantly pushing the bar for indigenous
engagement and involvement within our
company,” Blackman said.
When it comes to Aboriginal engagement,
Primco Dene walks the walk. The com-
pany was recognized with the Aboriginal
Engagement Award last year in Calgary at
the Global Petroleum Show.
“When we’re walking the walk, industries
support us and they want to give us more
work,” Blackman said.
Consequently, Primco Dene has made
a name for itself in northeastern Alberta
by actively engaging and supporting the
community with donations to cultural and
sporting events and contributions to infra-
structure like housing and roads, educa-
tion funds, and youth and senior programs.
Most notable is its financial support for the
business elite canada
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