gala dinner hosted by the association in
June featured former prime minister Brian
Mulroney, who was an active supporter of
NATO during his tenure.
Canada has hosted the ATA general as-
sembly three times in the past and will be
hosting the upcoming meeting in October.
Outside of these conferences, NAOC or-
ganizes roundtable discussions, where
guest speakers have included the com-
manding officers of frigates who have re-
turned from overseas operations or mili-
tary personnel who have been involved
in past operations in Afghanistan, Ukraine
and the Baltics. These speakers help to
broaden people’s idea of what security is
all about, Lindhout said.
“We constantly need to be reminded of
that which we don’t see but which holds
up our civilization. It’s like constant main-
tenance on a building,” Baines said.
The association is also actively involved in
publication, written mostly by interns and
young researchers. “One of the goals that
we have is to enable young people who
“We constantly need to be reminded of that which we don’t see but which holds
up our civilization. It’s like constant maintenance on a building.”
Robert Baines, development officer and executive director
Robert Baines, NAOC Corporate Development Officer at the NAOC’s 50th Anniversary Gala, greeting the Rt.
Hon. Brian Mulroney, Julie Lindhout, NAOC Director Jeff Hull and Chair Hugh Segal.
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