When asked the backbone of his plan,
Monsieur Steiner responded, “Where we
can make a difference is on highly-technical
projects. Our method is to provide world-
class technical expertise and to deliver
beyond expectations. Whatever it takes!
This leads to very good client relations,”
further adding that CDB’s name is system-
atically associated to value engineering
and challenging construction methodolo-
gies. “This is our trademark,” Stephan ad-
mits. Based on CDB’s history, it is clear
that these industry changing complex proj-
ects are a hallmark of the company. “We
have strong financial and technical support
from France, which is also a competitive
Valuable partnerships with complimen-
tary teams are another strategic advan-
tage for CDB, particularly partners with a
strong organization implanted locally. This
Spillway construction, La Romaine II, Quebec
business elite canada