GSOFT - page 3

JUNE 2017
business elite canada
By Anna Guy
Even with counting Apple,
Disney, and Tesla as custom-
ers, GSOFT’s says its greatest
achievement is its company
n April 12, 2017, hundreds
of people gathered in Mon-
treal at the first CultureFest
event. Dubbed as the first event in
Quebec dedicated 100 per cent to
workplace culture—the improve-
ment of—attendants were treated
to guest speaker on topics such as
Liberating your Organization and A
Culture Centered Around Employee
Happiness. The event was symbolic
of the shift in workplace culture from
being seen as a 40-hour-a-week obli-
gation, to an integration of work, so-
cial life, causes and values.
One of the key figures behind the
event is Simon De Baene. At 31
years old, De Baene is the leader be-
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