than just a flight school”, iFly pilots come
out with superior flying skills, confidence,
and experience. According to Gagnon, the
school offers complete training programs
ranging from private pilot to commercial pi-
lot. Unlike other flight schools who target
volume and rentability by training as many
pilots as possible, iFly works with the most
serious and ambitious candidates, striving
for quality, not quantity.
The airline carries thousands of passen-
gers each year, and considers it important
to contribute to the training and hiring of
young pilots. “We make a big point of hir-
ing pilots from our region, to give back,”
says Gagnon. “We are francophone so it
is important that our team speak French
and English. Our team, all of our pilots, are
very dedicated to our mission of utmost
safety and impeccable service.”
Despite exponential growth in aviation, the
Chrono Aviation team has its feet planted
firmly on the ground. Gagnon says their
success is due to hard work, long hours,
and a dedication to doing things right.With
many exciting things in the pipeline, Chro-
no Aviation will keep carving new paths for
flight in Canada.
MARCH 2017
business elite canada