“As an engineer, I am conscious of the fact
that if you work your envelope properly my
heating and cooling considerations are go-
ing to considerably reduce gas emissions
to the atmosphere as well as reducing the
operating costs,” says Desjardins.
Frequent research into new materials and
technology keep the work and challenges
very dynamic, says Desjardins. Lighting is
often the second highest operating cost
for a building, so the team has been learn-
ing about new LED lighting technology
that will help reduce this cost.
“LED lighting now have dimming capabili-
ties now, so it permits us to add controls
into the lighting system where we are
able, either through infra-red sensors, tim-
ers, photocell or dimmmers which further
reduce energy consumption,” says Desjar-
dins. In a public building, most of the com-
mon area lighting has to be on 24 hours a
day, such as corridors, staircases, garages.
“By integrating lighting controls it permits
us to reduce energy consumption and
increase their life span,” says Dejardins.
“We are constantly innovating in terms of
how we are able to control lighting with
the manufacturers and distributors.”
It is safe to say Desjardins has been very
conscious of energy efficiency, thermal
loading, and operating costs for a long
time. Desjardins’s father (Georges M. Des-
jardins) was also an engineer. Desjardins
joined his firm, G.M. Desjardins & Asso-
ciates, after graduating from the Univer-
sité de Sherbrooke in 1987 with a degree
in mechanical engineering. “He created
a multi-service oriented engineering firm
and offering mechanical, electrical, civil
and structural engineering,” says Desjar-
dins. “He was a great mentor to me and
coached me into being multidisciplinary.”
At 42 years old Dejardins went back to
school and fulfilled the requirement by the
business elite canada
MARCH 2017