t’s hard to imagine anything
more satisfying than a gour-
met meal at the end of a 12-
hour work day in a Northern On-
tario mine. Coming back from a
long day at Musslewhite Mine
to a camp run byWindigo Cater-
ing LP offers that, and more.
Windigo Catering provides ev-
erything from janitorial mainte-
nance to housekeeping, kitch-
en, and cafeteria services all
the way to the office, manag-
ing facilities to Goldcorp Cana-
da Ltd.’s Musselwhite Mine at
Opapimiskan Lake. “Coming back to camp
to a hot meal and a comfortable bedroom
is what is needed for a good night’s sleep
and productive working day the follow-
ing day,” says Jeff Harris, Camp Manager,
Windigo Catering, Musselwhite.
Windigo Catering LP is a 100 per cent First
Nations-owned company born out of
an agreement between the Windigo
First Nations Council and Gold-
corp in the mid-1990s,
take ad-
vantage of the economic opportunities
created by the Musselwhite Agreement
with Placer Dome Canada Ltd. The agree-
ment ensures employment for Aboriginal
people in the remote northern communi-
ties of Bearskin Lake, Sachigo Lake, North
Caribou Lake, Cat Lake, Koocheching,
Whitewater Lake First Nations and Slate
Falls Nation and has served as the genesis
for a range of employment, skills training,
economic development opportunities and
environmental protection.
The company officially become Windigo
Catering LP in 2005 when the Windigo
Chiefs reorganized the WCDC to sepa-
rate ‘not-for-profit activities’ from ‘for
Frank McKay, President of
Windigo Ventures General
Partner Ltd.
MARCH 2017
business elite canada