MAY 2017
business elite canada
cally. It really works toward the modular-
ization market—and now there are no ef-
ficiencies we haven’t been able to meet.”
This business model makes Alcro Elec-
tric’s proposal process the most precise in
the industry. Their approach to large capital
projects is twofold: ensure effective com-
munication between all parties, and pre-
cise organization and planning in the form
of project execution. A team approach im-
proves understanding of scope and limits
unnecessary deficiencies, while providing
increased product quality, increased em-
ployee safety, lower construction costs,
and reduced construction time. “When
we work on a project, it is because we
know that project forward and backward,”
says Lukasiewicz. The team credits this to
the technical astuteness of their project
managers, whose years of trade experi-
ence bring incredible value to the proposal
And customers agree.With a roster of over
100 past and present companies, Alcro
Electric has completed projects as small
as a single module up to a line-up of large
MCCs and dozens of process packages for
companies like STP and Pengrowth Ener-
gy’s SAGD (Steam Assisted Gravity Drain-
age) facilities. The company is structured
into five departments that work together
“There are no efficiencies we haven’t been able to meet.”
Voytek Lukasiewicz, President