MAY 2017
business elite canada
Marie, South Eastern Ontario and Wind-
sor-Essex. Celebrating success stories,
the Telethon showcases Easter Seals kids
and their families, and recognizes those
donors and sponsors who have helped so
“The telethon is our showcase to demon-
strate what our donors have provided to
kids and families, and how the kids are
thriving because of it,” says Collins. “It
puts a face to the work our donors have
done, and enables them to see exactly
who their funds help and how they make
a difference. It is also a great opportunity
to thank our sponsors and donors. It gives
us the ability to raise awareness for some
of the issues kids with disabilities face,
and of course helps to raise much needed
funds for these kids.”
This year’s Easter Seals national campaign,
UnstoppABLE, focuses on the accomplish-
ments of children with disabilities, not their
limitations. National ambassadors like Zak
Madell, a Paralympic wheelchair rugby ath-
lete who, after only one year in the sport,
led Team Canada to a silver medal at the
2012 London Paralympics, put a face to the
remarkable boys and girls who have ben-
efitted from the Easter Seals programs.