MAY 2017
business elite canada
ing around the building, the environment
is prioritized at every step. KnightsBridge
has perfected our construction methods
so that each new KnightsBridge project
systematically reaches the LEED® Gold or
Platinum grade, the highest levels of the
“Because of our experience in eco-friendly
buildings, we offer it to our industry peers,”
says Gosselin. The industry benefits from
buildings built with longer average lifes-
pans, cost less expensive to maintain,
and have a higher resale value. In short,
KnightsBridge projects makes sense for
the owner and the environment.
The industry has responded, with multiple
awards, including six Domus awards such
as the Domus Prize Best quality-price ratio
(2016, APCHQ – Metropolitan Montreal)
and the Domus Prize Residential Transfor-
“A recent survey of theMontreal real estate outlook shows KnightsBridge projects
outperform the market in resale, negotiations and investment.”