Kennady Diamonds - page 4

went on to be the exploration manager
for BHP after the Australian mining giant
partnered with DiaMet to evaluate the dis-
covery and ultimately build Canada’s first
diamond mine, Ekati.
Since then, Canada has become one of
the Top 5 diamond producing countries.
Toronto-based Kennady diamonds is con-
tinuing this new era. Located 280 kilome-
ters east-northeast of Yellowknife, NWT,
the Kennady North Project consists of 22
mineral leases and 58 mineral claims cov-
ering 67,164 hectares.
In exploration since 1992 (with a hiatus
between 2003 and 2011), the Kennady
North Project culminated with the discov-
ery of the Kelvin and Faraday kimberlites.
Exploration work has not only been done
by Kennady. In fact, initial exploration was
conducted under the direction of Moun-
tain Province Diamonds as the 100 per-
cent owner.
Mountain Province and De Beers Canada
formed a joint venture in 1997 to explore
and evaluate a promising diamond discov-
ery called Gahcho Kué. This discovery has
subsequent been developed into the Cana-
da’s newest diamond mine, with commer-
cial production being declared in March of
business elite canada
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