legacy of helping and rewarding marginal- ized groups, helping employers succeed based on providing the highest quality of work in the world and by being responsible members of our communities. STATEMENT OF PARTNERSHIP In the 2000s, that commitment has not changed. Recognizing the disparate em- ployment rates of Aboriginals compared to the rest of Canada, LiUNA has committed to doing its part to help reverse this trend of lower employment rates and higher pov- erty levels Aboriginal communities. In June, 2017, LiUNA and the Assembly of First Nations signed a Statement of Partnership at the LiUNA Canadian Con- ference affirming LiUNA's commitment in support of the findings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the UN Decla- ration for Indigenous People and education and training of First Nations communities. “The century old struggles of the indige- nous communities across Canada have for hundreds of years sought to be treated as equal and LiUNA strongly believes that to- gether we can build a strong partnership with an emphasis on training and educa- AUGUST 2017 H business elite canada 7