3,000 workers worked over 4 years, and
no case of lost time injury or death took
place. At the other end of the spectrum, a
three-stadium project in Russia took two
years to build and reported 17 workplace
deaths. There is a clear contrast here: in-
juries and deaths can be prevented when
there is focus from government, business
and labour,” says Dillon. “If that focus is
absent, you get the Russian outcome be-
cause government, business and labour
aren’t working together on prevention.”
“We have never made advances, ever, in
health and safety by consensus. It has to
be bold leadership and decision making to
move the yardstick to the next improve-
The Council also helps align infrastructure
investments with workers, ensuring that
there is a trained labour force that can take
on massive projects in the province’s pipe-
line. Since the 2009 recession, Ontario has
seen a steady and stable growth rate with
close to 700,000 jobs created in that time.
The government of Ontario plans to invest
$156 billion in infrastructure over the next
10 years.
In March 2017, the government of Ontario
credited theTrilliumTrust with an additional
$538 million in net revenue gains from the
sale of Hydro One shares in 2016, contrib-
uting towards the total target of $5.7 bil-
lion funding to the Trillium Trust which will
go towards infrastructure investments.
All this is to say that there are tremendous
opportunities for youth to get involved in
the trades.
business elite canada