Coal Association of Canada - page 5

build of numerous others, in addition
to writing a book, Building Integrity,
and teaching its fundamentals in vari-
ous universities.
First things first: coal is used mainly
for two purposes, steel-making and
power generation, and is by far Can-
ada’s most abundant fossil fuel, with
6.6 billion tonnes of recoverable coal
reserves. Some provinces rely heavily
on coal-fired electricity, like Alberta,
which derives 55 per cent of its elec-
tricity generation comes from coal.
(In Nova Scotia it’s 56 per cent, and
Saskatchewan it’s 46 per cent).
Primarily mined on the west coast,
there are currently 24 coal mines in
operation, contributing billions of dol-
lars to the economy. The mining in-
dustry is also the largest employer
of Aboriginal people in Canada and
works with educational institutions
and governments to provide training
and employment opportunities.
Bartkoski acknowledges the coal in-
dustry is facing challenges, and be-
lieves public education is the first step
towards turning them around.
“It’s important we educate the public
Conuma Coal employees
APRIL 2018
business elite canada
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