alized: “To be recognized within and
outside our community as a self-sus-
tained, community-owned corpora-
tion that is a united front of its people.
To be recognized as a leader. To be
the employer and partner of choice.
To create sustainable jobs and a quali-
fied workforce.”
Today, Eskan’s years of experience
lends itself to “variety of domains
spread across our respective sub-
sidiaries,” says Wapachee. Divided
into four main divisions (Eskan Com-
pany, Eenatuk Forestry Coporation,
Makaahiikan Construction, and Ae
Hardware), Eskan delivers in Project
administration, remote site manage-
ment, catering and janitorial services,
forestry work, residential and com-
mercial construction, and retail hard-
ware, electronics, home and office fur-
“Eskan continually seeks new business opportunities in an effort to
build capacity in the local workforce and locally-owned enterprises.”
–MatthewWapachee, President, Eskan Company
APRIL 2018
business elite canada