Rheinmetall Canada - page 11

were built here for those machines to
be made. We won a successful con-
tract to build 300 more for the U.S.,
but ultimately that contract was can-
celled with the end of the Cold War.”
“However, with the ADATS system, we
built a lot of expertise that we still apply
today,” says Oehrli, “and many people
from that time are still with us. This ear-
ly ADATS had a very complex system
integration and design. We have gained
invaluable expertise in a lot of different
fields out of that system.”
From individual components to inte-
grated systems based on operational
requirements and doctrines, Rhein-
metall Canada uses this expertise for
flexible, scalable technology, a wide
variety of command and control and
The Multi-Ammunition Softkill System currently in use on the Halifax-class ship of the Royal Canadian Navy.
APRIL 2018
business elite canada
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