Technoparc Montreal - page 4

For 30 years, Technoparc Montréal has fostered Montreal’s scientific and
technological development community by housing high value life sciences,
aerospace, Pharma, ICT and cleantech businesses and research centres in a
localized and specialized community.
and succeeds because of—three levels
of participation. “From the academic, po-
litical, and business communities, there is
an incremental added promotion and sup-
port of the businesses in the Technoparc,
at the heart of the life sciences industry
and an innovative business community”
says Baillargeon, of what has made Tech-
noparc Montreal the leading community of
its kind in the country.
Business in the Technoparc are head offic-
es with a research component of at least
15 per cent of its employees, though most
Eco Campus Hubert Reeves with its Smart Buildings and Smart Streets
business elite canada
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