Group Contract Services - page 6

periencing required a great deal of
support from sub contractors. Find-
ing PROFAB was generating a lot of
work opportunities for companies in
the area, Houghton realized there was
a way to better service the industrial
and commercial industries.
GSC (Group Contract Services) is
Houghton’s latest brainchild, a one-
stop-shop for a group of the best-of-
the-best sub contract companies. “I
like thinking outside the box,” Hough-
ton says, reflecting on his ambitious
new direction. Designed to “[elimi-
nate] all the failures that are happen-
ing in the industry today,” GSC origi-
nated around a focus on Oil & Gas
construction, maintenance, and fab-
rication. Showing impressive traction
and growth, GCS has since grown to
accommodate market demand, offer-
ing a full range of services in Construc-
tion Management, Plant Maintenance,
Module Assembly, Shop Fabrication,
all site work from engineering Design
right through to commissioning.
business elite canada
MAY 2018
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