support engineers. “The Engineering
Ally campaign calls on Ontario politi-
cians to commit to five items [which
are Grow, Act, Consult, Champion, and
Support.],” says Perruzza. “Engineers
need to be involved in public policy
making because technology is ad-
vancing at such a fast pace, and engi-
neers are in a position to understand
the implications of this. When engi-
neers are involved in shaping public
policy, society at large benefits.”
OSPE represents professional engi-
neers, engineering graduates, interns
and students who work or will work in
several of the most strategic sectors
of Ontario’s economy.
Members benefit from networking
opportunities, professional develop-
ment courses, job recruitment, a sav-
ings program, secondary liability in-
surance, and more. As the voice of
the engineering profession in Ontario,
OSPE elevates the profile of the pro-
fession by advocating with govern-
ments on issues including energy, in-
frastructure, diversity and inclusion,
and climate change.
MAY 2018
business elite canada